Rabbi’s Blog
A weekly message from Rabbi Cantor Menachem Mirski, Ph.D.

Tag leadership

Who is going to stand up for you if not me?

Thoughts on parashat Ki Tisa. 

Today people lament over the crisis of political and religious leadership. I gripe and grumble along with the best of them, notwithstanding, this “crisis” is nothing new and is quite possibly inherent to human societies. While we must tip our hat to our preeminent leaders that inspire Continue Reading

The King and His Son

Thoughts on Parashat Naso

Two weeks ago I devoted my drasha to Jewish unity and diversity. This week I will take up the topic of leadership. This week’s Torah portion speaks extensively about roles of Levites (in particular Kohathites and Gershonites,) Kohanim in the Tabernacle services, ritual purity, the ritual of nazirite and so on. The idea of purity, of “being fit” Continue Reading