Thoughts on Parashat Korach.
This week’s Torah portion describes the beginning of a revolution which proved to be an utter and complete failure. Korach was trying to incite a rebellion by questioning the leadership of Moses and the fact that Aaron was made a priest. In his undertaking he is accompanied by the implacable
Żyjemy w czasach ideologicznie spolaryzowanych. I chociaż często polaryzacja ta wydaje się być bardziej ewidentna i ostrzejsza w „świecie wirtualnym” (w internecie i mediach), to „świat realny” nie jest na nią uodporniony. Właśnie wtedy jej skutki odczuwamy dużo bardziej boleśnie.
The Torah portion for this week begins with a code of law which regulates social relations. The first part of this code (Ex 21:1-11) deals with slavery. As we know, this institution existed in ancient Israel, just like in other ancient states and cultures. However, slavery in Israel was not “absolute”. A slave had his inviolable rights.