Rabbi’s Blog
A weekly message from Rabbi Cantor Menachem Mirski, Ph.D.

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My latest sermon given at Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies

A Split Society

Thoughts on Parashat Korach. 

This week’s Torah portion describes the beginning of a revolution which proved to be an utter and complete failure. Korach was trying to incite a rebellion by questioning the leadership of Moses and the fact that Aaron was made a priest. In his undertaking he is accompanied by the implacable Continue Reading

Porażka w bezbożnej rywalizacji

Refleksja nad paraszą Korach.

Żyjemy w czasach ideologicznie spolaryzowanych. I chociaż często polaryzacja ta wydaje się być bardziej ewidentna i ostrzejsza w „świecie wirtualnym” (w internecie i mediach), to „świat realny” nie jest na nią uodporniony. Właśnie wtedy jej skutki odczuwamy dużo bardziej boleśnie. Continue Reading

The Master and his Slave

Thoughts on Parashat Mishpatim

The Torah portion for this week begins with a code of law which regulates social relations. The first part of this code (Ex 21:1-11) deals with slavery. As we know, this institution existed in ancient Israel, just like in other ancient states and cultures. However, slavery in Israel was not “absolute”. A slave had his inviolable rights. Continue Reading