Rabbi’s Blog
A weekly message from Rabbi Cantor Menachem Mirski, Ph.D.

Tag judaism

What to do to live happily ever after

Thoughts on parashat Noach.  

The fear of the LORD prolongs life, While the years of the wicked will be shortened. 

Proverbs 10:27

Immortality is an eternal human longing and its motif is interlaced throughout all religions and cultures of the world, including secular culture. We see this theme everywhere. Literature, Continue Reading

You shall be holy!

Thoughts on parashat Acharei Mot-Kedoshim.

Kedoshim tihiyu – You shall be holy (Leviticus 19:2) – thus begins parashat Kedoshim, the second of the two Torah portions for this week. What does it mean to be holy in Judaism? It means Continue Reading

To connect people with different visions of life

Thoughts on Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei

Shabbat is coming – our most precious day of the week. Along with Her, we receive the two ministering angels (malachei hasharet) familiarized in the song Shalom Continue Reading

Połączyć ludzi o odmiennych wizjach życia

Refleksja nad paraszą Wajachel-Pekudei. 

Nadszedł szabat – nasz najcenniejszy dzień tygodnia. Wraz z nim nawiedza nas dwóch aniołów (malachei hasharet) których znamy z pieśni Szalom Alejchem. Z tradycji chasydzkiej wiemy, Continue Reading

Love for freedom is born of the hardships of life

Thoughts on Parashat Beshalach.

Difficult realities create strong people. If they are smart and righteous enough they build better reality for their children. As the time and development progresses, the new generations do not have to face the harsh reality their grandparents faced. Life, in general, becomes easier and Continue Reading

Truth vs Peace

Thoughts on parashat Vayehi. 

“No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth”, said Plato. “Cherish those who seek the truth but beware of those who find it”, said Voltaire. “The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for”, said Bob Marley. 

Is telling Continue Reading

Prawda vs pokój

Refleksja nad paraszą Wajechi. 

„Nikt nie jest bardziej znienawidzony niż ten, kto mówi prawdę”, mawiał Platon. „Szanujcie tych, którzy szukają prawdy, ale strzeżcie się tych, którzy ją znajdą” – mawiał Voltaire. „Prawda jest taka, że każdy cię skrzywdzi. Po prostu trzeba znaleźć tych, Continue Reading

Pharaoh 2.0: Utilizing the crisis

Thoughts on parashat Vayigash.

The end of the secular year 2020 is approaching. For many of us it is a time of reflection on our accomplishments and disappointments. We evaluate our lives and make plans for the future. For many 2020 hasn’t been such a good year. The worldwide pandemic affected our lives significantly: Continue Reading

Justice is of a cosmic nature

Thoughts on parashat Vayeshev.

The Torah portion for this week starts with the story of Jacob settling in Hebron with his twelve sons. His favorite son is seventeen-year-old Joseph, with whom his brothers are jealous for the preferential treatment he receives from his father. To make matters worse, Joseph relates to Continue Reading

Sprawiedliwość jest czymś kosmicznym

Refleksja nad paraszą Wajeszew.

Porcja Tory na ten tydzień zaczyna się od opowieści o tym, jak Jakub osiedla się w Hebronie ze swoimi dwunastoma synami. Jego ulubionym synem jest siedemnastoletni Józef, o którego jego bracia są zazdrośni, gdyż jest faworyzowany przez ojca. Żeby jeszcze pogorszyć sprawę, Continue Reading