Rabbi’s Blog
A weekly message from Rabbi Cantor Menachem Mirski, Ph.D.

Category Sermons

Catching eternity: a few words on Divine revelation. 

Thoughts on parashat Beha’alotcha.  

As the old joke goes, “Ask two Jews, you will get three opinions!”. Indeed, Judaism is a religion of intellectual pluralism and it itself resists monolithic interpretations in almost any area of human life and spirituality. Our religion Continue Reading

Judaism and booze

Thoughts on parashat Nasso.

One of the fundamental philosophical and at the same time practical problems underlying all religions is how to control things that are beyond our control. Therefore, throughout history intoxicants received religious, and often legal attention. One of Continue Reading

To do God’s work before He does it

Thoughts on parashat Bemidbar. 

Life sometimes puts us in difficult and complicated situations, in which we say to ourselves “it will be ok”, and then it turns out that what we feared the most becomes reality. It also happens that we are filled with enormous optimism in these difficult situations, which Continue Reading

Justice as a collective venture

Thoughts on parashat Bechukotai.

Our Torah portion for this week is called Bechukotai, which can be translated as “in my laws”. It starts with אם־בחקתי תלכו (im bechukotai telechu Continue Reading

To threaten the Heavens

Thoughts on parashat Emor.

Another year goes by and we have parashat Emor again. At the end of this Torah portion we find the following story:

There came out among the Israelites a man whose mother was Israelite and whose father was Egyptian. And a fight broke out in the camp between that Continue Reading

You shall be holy!

Thoughts on parashat Kedoshim.

Kedoshim tihiyu – You shall be holy (Leviticus 19:2) – thus begins parashat Kedoshim. What does it mean to be holy in Judaism? It means ve’yareta me’Elochecha Continue Reading

Self-esteem vs. self-awareness

 Thoughts on parashat Acharei Mot.

After the death of Aaron’s two sons, Nadav and Avihu, God instructs Moses regarding the atoning sacrifices to be offered by the kohanim on Yom Kippur:

God said to Moses: Tell your brother Aaron that he is not to come at will into the Shrine behind Continue Reading

Leave behind

Thoughts on Pesach 5782

This Friday at sunset we will mark the beginning not only of Shabbat, but also the festival of Pesach, which is one of the main pillars of our religious experience and our identity. Passover is a festival of freedom and joy, but also of certain duties and necessary sacrifices which are supposed Continue Reading

The crime and forgiveness

Thoughts on parashat Tazria.

The quality of our life, in all its dimensions – material, social, psychological and spiritual, is dependent on our morality, our culture and how we relate to each other on a daily basis. We can make our life heaven and we can make it hell – it is  in our hands. As the famous Continue Reading

Things we deserved and things we didn’t deserve.

Thoughts on parashat Shemini.

Does everything (bad) that happens to us happen for a reason? If so, where should we look for answers? In theology, science or our moral conduct as individuals or groups? The Torah portion for this week brings up this topic. On the eighth day, following the seven days of their inauguration, Continue Reading