Rabbi’s Blog
A weekly message from Rabbi Cantor Menachem Mirski, Ph.D.

Tag judaism

A Manual for the Elimination of Evil and Injustice

Thoughts on Parashat Shoftim. 

Is it possible to eliminate crime completely? How about at least eliminating the worse crime, murder? It probably is possible. Here is a scenario:  We lock all the people in individual prison cells and we construct our societies that way. It would require three social castes: prisoners Continue Reading

Where’s the Justice?

Thoughts of Parashat Re’eh

How do you know if those you think are wicked are really wicked? Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said that there is no absolutely evil person in the world and no one who is absolutely good either (paraphrasing his famous saying which I quoted in my drasha a few weeks ago). Similarly, the Continue Reading

An atheist’s guide to prayer

Thoughts on parashat Devarim.

Prayer is the salient expression of religious emotion and of man’s relationship with God. Presumably every religious person has asked themselves this question: how much prayer do I need in my life and does it make my connection to God stronger? There may be many answers to this Continue Reading

Religiousness in a Dialogue with Reason

Thoughts on Parashat Yitro

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In this week’s Torah portion we find the story of Moses’ father-in-law, Yitro, who after having heard about everything that God has done for Moses and the Israelites by bringing them out of Egypt decides to join Moses and the people of Israel. So he comes to the desert along with Continue Reading

A Few Words About Hierarchy

Thoughts on Parashat Miketz

In last week’s Torah portion we read about the dramatic events of Joseph’s life. After he was sold by his brothers to Egypt as a slave he became a servant of Pharaoh’s official – Potiphar. He made Joseph the administrator of his home, entrusting him with all his property. Soon after, Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce him. When he refused, Continue Reading

The Humiliation of Joseph

Thoughts on Parashat Vayeshev

The Torah portion for this week starts with the story of Jacob settling in Hebron with his twelve sons. His favorite son is seventeen-year-old Joseph, with whom his brothers are jealous for the preferential treatment he receives from his father. To make matters worse, Joseph relates to his brothers two of his dreams which foretell that he is destined Continue Reading

On (Divine) Protection

Thoughts on Parashat Vayetze

The Torah portion for this week starts with the story in which Jacob leaves his hometown of Beersheba and journeys to Charan, a major ancient city in Upper Mesopotamia (today’s southeastern Turkey.) On this supposedly pretty long journey he encounters a certain place and sleeps there dreaming of a ladder connecting heaven and earth with angels Continue Reading

To Speak Your Mind or Not

Thoughts on Parashat Vayera

The Torah portion this week contains only great and famous stories, including the story of Abraham interceding for Sodom and Gomorrah, their destruction, the story of Lot and his daughters. Then we return to Abraham again, this time he is in Geraar where he tells King Abimelech that Sara, his wife, is his sister. Our portion of the Torah also includes Continue Reading

Too Big, It Must Fail

Thoughts on Parashat Noah

This week’s parasha contains two great narratives that are at the foundations of the Judeo-Christian civilization and have inspired people for centuries: the story of Noah and the flood as well as the story of the Tower of Babel. The beginning of the story of Noah tells us about the great corruption that permeated the earth. To quote the Torah:

God Continue Reading

Force of Habit, Passivity, Fear and Their Consequences

Thoughts on Parashat Shelach

In this week’s Torah portion Moses sends twelve spies to the land of Canaan. They come back forty days later, bringing an enormous assortment of grapes, pomegranates and figs to prove the richness and abundance of the land they traveled across. However, ten of the spies warn everyone that the inhabitants of that land are giants and warriors “stronger Continue Reading